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Dept Michigan

14th Mich SVR

Company A, 14th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, SVR

Company A, 14th Michigan Infantry is a member of the Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR) and is the ceremonial uniformed military component of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) in Michigan. Our Unit is also know as the IRISH RIFLE as it is derived from the original Co. A, 14th Michigan Infantry. Most of our members are also members of the SUVCW Department of Michigan. We perform a variety of ceremonial services such as head stone dedications and memorial services through out the state in support of the many Camps within the Department.

We also participate in a number of events outside the state such as the annual Lincoln Tomb Ceremony in Springfield, Illinois and the annual Remembrance Day parade and services at Gettysburg. Co. A, 14th Michigan is a well-respected and highly decorated SVR unit having been awarded two coveted Union Citations. The 14th Michigan is a member of the 3rd Military District. There are seven military districts with additional SVR units across the nation. The various Districts report to the National Sons of Veterans Reserve staff.


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Page Last Updated on May 16 2024.
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